- Most of the trekking places are present with wild animals, hence trekking late night is not encouraged. Always check with locals for any animal spotting and avoid visiting during that time
- Also request to respect the local people staying near the place and be professional throughout the visit
- Avoid throwing waste around the place
- Always make sure to carry water and food
- Some places require certain type of dress to be worn, please abide by it and remove slippers, shoes wherever applicable
- There are no local transport for these unknown places, nearest district is only till transport is available. Hence request to travel by your own vehicles
- Always make time to spend few more time and learn about the heritage, history of the place and share the same with others
- This website is non profit motive, purely to spread awareness and information
- After your visit to these unknown places you can share your review in google maps and encourage your friends and family to do the same. The more number of people visit to these unknown places, the higher chance of development and restoration of these unknown tourist and Ancient places
- Why go out to other countries and state in search for heaven, when heavenly place is near us. Let us together make it a success in bringing this places to light to a larger audience
- Some of the forest are now declared as reserve area, hence permission from local forest department is required for trekking, camping around these places. Wandering around the forest without permission will lead to legal action from the Forest Department